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Product Announcements - October 19, 2010

We're constantly working to improve our products and roll in various requests from our users. This page will contain some updates on what we're spending our time on.

Release date

I know the first question coming is “when”. As soon as we know, we'll post it. I promise. I'd rather wait until we are sure about a release date than to keep posting made-up dates and missing them. The very minute we feel comfortable enough with a release candidate to schedule a date, we'll post it up.

2G DSM non-EPROM conversion

www.ecmtuning.com_images_photos_noneprom2g.jpg We can FINALLY say we're able to convert non-EPROM 95, 96 and 97 2G DSM ECUs! This has taken a LOOONG time to complete, but we're finally there! The result is a work of art and we hope will provide some much needed help to those looking for 2G ECUs to use with ECMLink.

Click image to enlarge.


One of the next items on our to-do list is a quick-connect feature to provide for near instant connect speeds with the ECU by caching configuration data on the laptop. The application will always know whether its cache of data matches the ECUs by a complex checksum algorithm. But details aside, the idea is to reduce that lengthy configuration read step to near zero.

Live edit

You can already do live changes (while the engine's running) to most configuration settings in V3. Everything in the ECU Config tab can be changed at any time. That includes the RPM-based fuel and timing adjustments, airflow compensation, speed density VE table, etc., etc.

You can even have the application auto-save the changes as you're making them! It's like having a dial control for any configuration value in the ECU Config tab. Check the “auto-save” box, select a cell or range of cells and then use the Ctrl+up/down arrow keys to changes values in the ECU instantly.

Direct Access changes require the engine be stopped, however, because the ECU has to go into a reflash mode to save those changes to code space. This isn't a major problem because most changes to direct access tables require time to review and tweak anyway. The things that respond well to instant edits can already be edited at any time on the ECU Config tab.

But we're always looking to improve things, so we're going to try out a system to allow for instant edits of direct access tables as well. We'll keep this page posted with results and progress.

announce.1418093002.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/08 21:43 by twdorris