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ECU damage/repair

This page is a collection of pages we're putting together to document ECU damage and repair concerns. We often receive ECUs that have significant corrosion from caps leakage or have severely botched socket jobs. We want people to see these pictures so they can evaluate their own ECU before it's even sent to us. We're hoping this will reduce the shock factor later when the ECU arrives here and we have to break the bad news.

Botched socket jobs

Often someone will try to do the socket work themselves either to save a buck or to reduce down time. But seriously, if you don't know what you're doing, you could very easily be increasing your costs and down time while compromising your own ECU's working condition all at the same time. It's just not a good idea.

Motto: Friends don't let friends socket their ECUs.

Other shops

Sometimes people will send us an ECU that some “other” shop has worked on before. Sometimes that's perfectly fine. Other times, that's a miserable mess. Here's where you'll find examples of some miserable messes.

  • Bad work #1 - Clear RTV? Ugh. And what's that big long, ugly wire for!?
ecurepairhome.1210246748.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/05/08 07:39 by twdorris