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Speed Density 101

The term “Speed Density” typically refers to the operation of an engine using an estimation of airflow based on pressure, temperature and some idea of the engine's volumetric efficiency (more on this below). This page outlines the basic concepts behind speed density operation to serve as a foundation for a deeper understanding of ECMTuning's implementation later.

Ideal Gas Law

Speed density operation starts with the basic ideal gas law, which states the following relationship between air pressure, air temperature and volume.

pV = nRT


p = absolute pressure of the gas (air in this case)
V = volume of the gas
n = amount of gas
R = gas constant
T = absolute temperature of the gas

For purposes of this discussion, we can ignore what R really represents and just treat it as a constant value.

In calculating fuel requirements for an engine, the mount of air (n in the above equation) is the critical piece of data we need to solve for. To solve for that, we need to know pressure, temperature and volume.

Pressure and Temperature

Pressure and temperature are easy enough to measure in our application using off the shelf sensors like the GM IAT and/or the GM 3-bar sensor. Other pressure sensor options are listed on our Aftermarket Sensor List. These include the GM 3.3-bar, AEM 3.5-bar and AEM 5-bar sensors. Other sensors listed on that page can be logged, but are not suitable for SD operation because they do not provide a reliable absolute pressure reading.


So we can pretty easily measure pressure and temperature. But figuring out volume is where the estimation piece of speed density operation comes in.

To avoid getting into a big discussion about the physics behind it all, I'll simply state that the volume of air flowing into an engine is estimated using engine displacement and a volumetric efficiency (VE) table which is indexed by RPM and manifold pressure (the two parameters that most directly influence the VE of an engine). A higher VE number results in a higher volume estimate which results in a higher airflow estimate.

Volume = displacement * VE[rpm, pressure]

If the VE for an engine running speed density is larger than the true VE of that engine at any given point, then the resulting airflow calculation will be higher than it should be and the resulting A/F mixture will be richer than intended as well. So you can see that getting the VE table defined accurately is one of the more critical (and variable) pieces to smooth speed density operation.

VE Table

Having seen above the importance of defining an accurate VE table, it stands to reason that you'll spend most of your time dialing this in. That's not to say it's overly complicated, it's just more complicated that wiring in a few sensors to measure pressure and air temperature.

A typical SD VE table might look something like the following (click to enlarge).

Emperical Results - Temperature

The above discussion was all about the theory behind speed density operation based solely on air properties by themselves. But the reality is that air temperature is also affected by engine temperature. As air is entering the engine, it's heated by the temperature of the engine itself. This effect is more pronounced with slower moving air (idle/cruise) and gradually reduces in impact as airflow rate increases.

To account for this observed behavior, we have defined a coolant-to-air temperature weighting table in the direct access area of ECMLink. This table allows the user to define how much relative importance coolant temperature places over air temperature (and vice-versa) based on airflow rate. The user can define to ignore coolant temperature all together or ignore IAT all together or weight between the two.

Idle Logs

Because we know this concept may be not be mainstream, we offer the following datalogs that have *no* air temperature compensation. All the temperature compensation in both these logs is based on coolant temperature.

Hot idle - no IAT
Cool idle - no IAT

These were captured minutes apart from each other on the exact same car idling in the exact same spot in our parking lot. In one, air temperature varies from 172F to 130F while in the other it's only 70F the whole time.

In both cases, you see the resulting A/F ratio (measured by the LC1WB) is identical despite the fact that air temperature was NOT being factored in. In the hot log, you can even see where we disconnected the GMIAT sensor for a period of about 30 seconds, but absolutely NO change was observed in measured A/F ratio or idle quality.

Simply put, the temperature of the air had absolutely NO effect on airflow entering the engine at idle. We have collected other logs at cruise to illustrate a similar behavior.

Wide Open Throttle

However, at wide open throttle, air temperature quickly takes over as the primary factor in determining air density. We have logs showing this effect as well with measured A/F ratio dipping to 8.3:1 with IAT at 133F compared to A/F ratio of 9.1:1 at 65F with boost around 20psi. These logs can be found below.

Cool pull - no IAT
Hot pull - no IAT

As before, these logs were taken minutes apart from each other on the same car. The only difference between them is air temperature. In the first, air temperature averaged 65F while in the second, it was 133F.

However, unlike the idle logs, measured A/F ratio in these actually *did* change, suggesting that air temperature in these log actually did have an impact on airflow entering the engine.

sd101.1243939396.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/06/02 06:43 by twdorris