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-====== Welcome to the DSMLink support wiki ======+====== Welcome to the ECMLink Support Wiki ======
-Here you'll find an archive of information and how-to'​s related to the installation,​ configuration,​ and usage of DSMLink.  Don't know what DSMLink ​is?  8-O  Shame on you.  Luckily you can catch up on the [[DSMLinkOverview|overview page]].+Here you'll find an archive of information and how-to'​s related to the installation,​ configuration,​ and usage of ECMLink.  Don't know what ECMLink ​is?  8-O  Shame on you.  Luckily you can catch up on the [[ECMLinkOverview|overview page]].
 Use the following list of general categories to find what you need.  Or, try the search button. Use the following list of general categories to find what you need.  Or, try the search button.
 +  * [[ecmlink101|ECMLink 101]] - THE place to start if you just received your ECMLink package and have no idea what to do next.
   * [[ProblemResolution|Problem resolution]] - Solutions to hard failures (can't connect, can't start engine, etc.)   * [[ProblemResolution|Problem resolution]] - Solutions to hard failures (can't connect, can't start engine, etc.)
   * [[QuickTips|Quickie tips]] - Quick tips for simple problems (searching forums, viewing values, etc.)   * [[QuickTips|Quickie tips]] - Quick tips for simple problems (searching forums, viewing values, etc.)
   * [[HowTo|How-To'​s]] - Simple how-to'​s from those that have-done   * [[HowTo|How-To'​s]] - Simple how-to'​s from those that have-done
 +  * [[Tutorials|Tutorials]] - Short tutorials or general explanations of functionality
   * [[ReferencePage|References]] - Quick references for commonly used bits of information   * [[ReferencePage|References]] - Quick references for commonly used bits of information
 +  * [[ECURepairHome|ECU damage/​repair]] - A collection of notes you can use to evaluate ECU damage and repair cost
   * [[CounterfeitCopies|Counterfeit copies]] - How to identify the worst scum of the earth...those selling counterfeit copies of our stuff   * [[CounterfeitCopies|Counterfeit copies]] - How to identify the worst scum of the earth...those selling counterfeit copies of our stuff
 +  * [[FAQsHome|FAQs]] - A collection of frequently asked questions
 +====== Quicklinks ======
 +The following can also be found by walking through various other pages above. ​ But because these pages are referenced so often, they are provided here as a set of quicklinks directly to the page.
 +  * [[ConnectionProblem|Connection problems]] - Can't connect to the ECU (command timed out, etc.)
 +  * [[SearchForums|Searching the forums]] - Sounds easy, but doing it efficiently isn't always so simple
 +  * [[v2ViewingValues|(V2) Datalogging new values]] - How to log items like LTFT, TPS, and other missing things
 +  * [[QuickieAFSetup|Quickie A/F setup]] - Tips for doing that quick dial in
 +  * [[ECUWiringInformation|ECU wiring information]] - Pin outs and MFI circuit diagrams
 +  * [[USBToSerialAdapterInfo|USB adapter info]] - Information about which USB/DB9 serial adapters work and which don't
 +  * [[InstallNewSensor|Install a sensor for datalogging]] - Describes how to use a non-factory sensor for datalogging (e.g., a boost sensor, a wideband kit, etc.)
 +  * [[DSMLinkLoggableParams|Explanation of logged values]] - A bit of detail about each available value for logging in DSMLink
 ====== Latest news ====== ====== Latest news ======
 ===== Slashdot ===== ===== Slashdot =====
 +{{rss>​http://​​Slashdot/​slashdot 5 author date 1h }}
-{{rss>​http://​​index.rss 5 author date 1h }} 
start.1201088872.txt.gz · Last modified: 2008/01/23 06:47 by