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DSMLink is written in Java. Java is cross platform. So DSMLink should be as well. And it is, mostly. Here are the steps one user used to get DSMLink up and running under MacOS. Please keep in mind that this is not something we at ECMTuning support. We're not going to be able to help much getting this up and going if you have problems. It's being provided here for reference and archival purposes.
Note that there is a README available there, as well as in the package. I will not repeat the entire thing here, but the following are two important points:
This is a fully functional DSMLink client, built from version source. It is a Universal Binary, and will run on both PowerPC and Intel architectures, and is compatible with both 1G and 2G ECUs. The current beta version is 0.7b. Download the current beta (1.4MB)
Note that this program is not supported by ECMTuning. If you have any problems, concerns or questions, either post in the Macintosh Beta forum thread, or email me at Do not email Thomas or Dave with technical queries about this package.
Prior to installing the software, please read the README.txt file bundled with the package. Installation is straightforward - just drag the program to your hard drive.
The bulk of the changes I made were to the areas that deal with ECU communication. As such, please focus your attention appropriately. I appreciate any and all feedback.
The testing will run for two weeks following the release of the final beta. If any issues are found, a new beta will be issued, followed by two weeks of testing. At the conclusion of testing, the final release will be made and available for download through the regular channels.
Once again, if you have any questions or issues, please contact me at